Douglas H. Mahn, D.D.S.
Periodontics, Cosmetic Periodontal Surgery,
and Dental Implants
“Creating Beautiful and Healthy Smiles”
Call: 703-392-8844
Lip Repositioning Gallery
A picture tells a thousand words.
Please look through the Smile Gallery.
All of the cases shown were performed by Dr. Mahn.
Patients travel long distances to have Dr. Mahn perform treatment for them.
Lip Repositioning Surgery is a cosmetic lip surgery that stabilizes the lip and reduces excessive gingival display when smiling. It does so by limiting the movement of the superior lip. The position of the lip at rest should not change. Some changes in the shape of the lip when smiling may occur. Typically, the lip appears fuller.
Say "Goodbye" to your "Gummy Smile"!

The images above depict the type of results that can be expected. Note the reduced gingival display after treatment. The superior lip looks full and attractive.
Lip Repositioning / Stabilization is performed by removing a shallow band of mucosa from below the lip. The wound margins are sutured together. With healing, lip mobility is reduced. The benefits of this procedure can be seen right away.
Patients typically have minimal discomfort that is easily managed with pain meds. Cold packs reduce or eliminate temporary swelling.
Lip Repositioning / Lip Stabilization


A dramatic reduction in gingival display can be seen. Upper lip contours are full and attractive. The smile is now natural in appearance and attractive.
Published in Decisions in Dentistry in June 2018.

A dramatic reduction in gingival display can be seen. Upper lip contours are full and attractive. The smile is now softer, more natural, and more attractive.
Published in Inside Dentistry in March 2017.

Note the reduced gingival display and full lip contours. The smile is softer, youthful, and more attractive.
Published in Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry in January 2016.

A dramatic reduction in gingival display can be seen after 2 weeks. Upper lip contours are full and attractive. Gingival recontouring was also performed to improve tooth proportions. The smile is now more natural and attractive.

Great improvement was seen at about 6 months. Even with a forced broad smile, there is reduced lip movement and reduced gingival display with improved and full upper lip contours.
Gingivectomy to Reduce “Gummy” Smile

A gingivectomy reduces a "gummy" smile by exposing the anatomic crown that is covered by excess gingiva. If the crown is not hidden or short in appearance, however, a gingivectomy will not improve the gummy smile.
Frenectomy to Improve Lip Contours

This patient was embarrassed by her smile. She had a large frenum that hung below her lip when she smiled. A frenectomy removed this tissue and improved her upper lip line.
Published in Contemporary Esthetics in 2007.
Dr. Mahn performs Lip Repositioning Surgery and other Periodontal-Plastic Surgery for patients from Virginia, Maryland and Washington DC.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call.