Douglas H. Mahn, D.D.S.
Periodontics, Cosmetic Periodontal Surgery,
and Dental Implants
“Creating Beautiful and Healthy Smiles”
Call: 703-392-8844
Why Dr. Mahn publishes:
Dr. Mahn has been publishing professional articles since his senior year in dental school. He does so because he has a passion for dentistry.
Dr. Mahn takes photographs during many procedures. These images allow Dr. Mahn to compare techniques and determine which ones are most effective. Photographs and publications help Dr. Mahn educate his patients and referring doctors.
Dr. Mahn is published in many peer reviewed journals. These include Quintessence Dental Techniques Yearbook, Clark’s Clinical Dentistry, Practical Procedures and Aesthetic Dentistry, Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry, Contemporary Esthetics, Dentistry Today, Compendium, Inside Dentistry, The Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry, Clinical Advances in Periodontics, and The International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry. Dr. Mahn also has had an article featured on Dental XP, an online dental education center.
Being published allows Dr. Mahn to contribute to the education of the dental community. It also shows that Dr. Mahn practices periodontics and implantology at the highest levels in his profession.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Mahn DH, Schafer DR. Treatment of a GRD with a Hydrated ADM.
Inside Dentistry2023:19(4):24-29. - Mahn DH, Reangber S. Gingival Display in "Forced" Smile Evaluated by Sex and Age. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2022;43(2):e9-e12.
- Mahn DH. Double-layer technique using an ADM and CAF to treat mandibular incisor with a Cairo RT2 defect: 8.5 year results. Clin Adv Periodontics 2021;11(3):161-164.
- Mahn DH. Abutment Screw Loosening due to Dental Laboratory Error. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2021;42(4):178-181.
- Mahn DH. Modified Tunnel Technique and Double-Layer Acellular Dermal Matrix to Treat Multiple Teeth and Implant: 3.5-Year Results. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2020;41(9):e1-e4.
- Mahn DH. Treating Anterior Lingual Recession Defects. Inside Dentistry 2020;16(5):32-36.
- Mahn DH. Implant Abutment and Restoration Design and Risk Factors for Peri-Implant Disease. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2019;40(9):572-576.
- Mahn DH. Long-Term Results of Grafting using an ADM. A Case Demonstrating 20 Years of Stable, Esthetic Root Coverage. Inside Dentistry 2019;15(5):34-40.
- Mahn DH. Impact of Prosthesis Design on Peri-Implant Disease. Decisions in Dentistry 2019;5(4):28-31.
- Mahn DH. Simultaneous Extractions, Implant Placement, and Immediate Loading with Hybrid Prothesis in Patients with Chronic Graft Versus Host Disease. Clin Adv Periodontics 2018;8(4):137-176.
- Mahn DH. Decision Making in Managing Excess Gingival Display. Decisions in Dentistry 2018;4(6):30-35.
- Mahn DH. Preservation of Natural Gingival Pigmentation when Treating Multiple Gingival Recession Defects. Compend Cont Educ Dent 2018:39(3):e1-e4.
- Mahn DH. Lateral Access Pouch to Treat Implants with Gingival Recession. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2017;38(8):e9-e12.
- Mahn DH. Lip Repositioning to Eliminate the Gummy Smile. Inside Dentistry 2017;13(3):50-55.
- Mahn DH. Use of an Autogenous Connective Tissue Graft to Treat Peri-Implantitis with Gingival Recession Affecting an Implant Supporting an Overdenture. Clin Adv Periodontics 2016;6(4):161-165.
- Mahn DH. Use of Double Layer of ADM and Modified Tunnel Technique to Treat Adjacent Gingival Recession Defects. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2016;37(8):e11-e15.
- Mahn DH. Treatment of a Miller Class II Gingival Recession Defect. Use of Double-Layer Acellular Dermal Matrix: 5-Year Results. Inside Dentistry 2016;12(6):46-48.
- Mahn DH. Use of a Double-Layer Technique with an ADM to Treat Miller Class I and II Gingival Recession Defects: 4-5 Year Results. Clin Adv Periodontics 2016;6(1):44-49.
- Mahn DH. Elimination of a "Gummy Smile" With Crown Lengthening and Lip Repositioning. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2016;37(1):52-55.
- Mahn DH. Minimizing Shrinkage of Interdental Papilla Height when Treating Multiple Miller Class III Gingival Recession Defects. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2015;36(4):275-281.
- Mahn DH. Treatment of Non-Carious Cervical Lesions in the Esthetic Zone using an ADM and Tunnel Grafting Techniques. Dentistry Today 2015;34(4):128-131.
- Mahn DH. A Double Layer Technique using an Acellular Dermal Matrix for the Treatment of Class I and II Gingival Recession Defects: 1 Year Results of 50 Consecutive Cases. Int J Periodont Rest Dent 2015;35(2):257-262.
- Mahn DH. Long-Term Results of Connective Tissue Grafting using an ADM - A case demonstrating 15 years of stable root coverage with esthetic results. Inside Dentistry 2014;10(10);66-70.
- Prestipino T, Mahn DH. Digitizing the Implant Restorative Process. Inside Dent Tech. Inside Dent Tech 2014;5(1):48-50.
- Mahn DH, Prestipino T. CAD/CAM Implant Abutments Using Coded Healing Abutments: A Detailed Description of the Restorative Process. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2013;34(8):612-615.
- Polack MA, Mahn DH. Biotype Change for the Esthetic Rehabilitation of the Smile. J Esth Rest Dent 2013 Jun;25(3):177-186.
- Mahn DH. Correcting Gingival Recession. Application of Tunnel Techniques and Acellular Dermal Matrices. J Cosmetic Dent 2012 (Summer):28(2):96-102.
- Mahn DH, Woodside JS. Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation: Tunnel Grafting Techniques. Dentistry Today 2012;31(2):152-155.
- Mahn DH. Stabilizing and Securing an RPD With a Single Implant. Dentistry Today 2011;30(9):124-126.
- Mahn DH. Esthetic Connective Tissue Grafting of Multiple Recession Sites. Inside Dentistry 2011;7(8):74-80.
- Mahn DH, Schafer DR. Treatment of a GRD with a Hydrated ADM.
- Mahn DH, Polack MA. Eliminating a Removable Transitional Prosthesis. Inside Dentistry 2011;7(3):80-83.
- Mahn DH. Clinical Crown Lengthening in the Esthetic Zone. Dentistry Today 2011;30(1):158-160.
- Mahn DH. The Use of the Tunnel Technique and an Acellular Dermal Matrix in the Treatment of Multiple Adjacent Teeth with Gingival Recession in the Esthetic Zone. Int J Periodont Rest Dent 2010;30(6):593-599.
- Mahn DH. Esthetic Soft Tissue Ridge Augmentation Using an Acellular Dermal Matrix and a Lateral Pouch Technique. Dentistry Today 2010;29(8):96-99.
- Mahn DH, Polack MA. Esthetic Rehabilitation of Maxillary Central Incisors in conjunction with Flapless Surgical Techniques, Implant Zirconia Crown, and Porcelain Veneers. J Esth Rest Dent 2009; 21:294-303
- Mahn DH, Polack MA. Comparing Three Abutment Types with a Zirconia Crown in the Aesthetic Zone: A Case Report. Dentistry Today 2009;28(3):108-111.
- Polack MA, Mahn DH. Full-Mouth Rehabilitation Using a Multidisciplinary Approach: Material and Periodontal Considerations. Pract Proced Aesthetic Dent 2008; 20(9):569-575.
- Mahn DH. Aesthetic Rehabilitation Using a Mandibular Implant-Retained Hybrid Prosthesis. Pract Proced Aesthetic Dent Supplement: My Best Case Supplement, Winter 2008;2:19-21.
- Mahn DH, Aunon J. Esthetic Replacement of Maxillary Central Incisors Using Immediate Implants and Atraumatic Surgical Techniques. Inside Dentistry2008;4(8):62-66.
- MA, Mahn DH. The Use of a Customized Prefabricated Zirconia Abutment and Zirconia Crown in the Restoration of an Immediately Provisionalized Implant in the Esthetic Zone. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2008;29(6):2-6.
- Mahn DH. Development of Natural Soft Tissue Architecture and Interdental Papillae Between Adjacent Implants in the Aesthetic Zone. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2008;20(4):249-255.
- Mahn DH, Polack MA. Replacement of Maxillary Central Incisors with Implants. Dentistry Today 2008; 27(2):160-164.
- Polack MA, Mahn DH. The Aesthetic Replacement of Mandibular Incisors Using An Implant-Supported Fixed Partial Denture with Gingival-Colored Ceramics. Pract Proc Aesthetic Dent 2007; 19(10):597-603.
- Mahn, DH. Maxillary Anterior Frenectomy to Create an Esthetic Lip Contour: A Case Report. Contemporary Esthetics 2007; 2(6): 30-33.
- Mahn, DH. Restorative Implant Options for the General Dental Practice. Montage Media Supplement: Perio/Implant Product Showcase 2004; Winter:19.
- Mahn DH. Interdisciplinary Communication: Part I- Treatment Planning. Collab Tech 2004;2:33.
- Mahn DH. Esthetic Soft Tissue Ridge Augmentation Using an Acellular Dermal Connective Tissue Allograft. J Esth Rest Dent 2003; 15(2): 71-19
- Mahn DH. Correction of Lingual Gingival Recession Using an Acellular Dermal Connective Tissue Allograft. Pract Proc Aesthetic Dent 2002; 14(6):507-510.
- Mahn DH. Esthetic Correction of Gingival Recession Using a Modified Tunnel Technique and an Acellular Dermal Connective Tissue Allograft. J Esth Rest Dent 2002; 14(1):18-22. (Featured on Dental XP)
- Mahn DH. The Treatment of Multiple Sites of Gingival Recession in a Single Visit Using an Acellular Dermal Connective Tissue Allograft. A Case Report. VA Dent J: 2002; 79(1): 7-10
- Mahn DH. Treatment of Gingival Recession with a Modified "Tunnel" Technique and an Acellular Dermal Connective Tissue Allograft. Pract Proc Aesthetic Dent 2001: 13(1): 69-74
- Mahn DH, Cochran D. Dental Implants and Regeneration, Part 2: Clinical Considerations. Clark's Clinical Dentistry, 1992.
- Cochran D, Mahn DH. Dental Implants and Regeneration, Part 1: Overview and Biological Considerations. Clark's Clinical Dentistry, 1992.
- Mahn DH, Shiu A, and Renner RP. Three Methods of Fabricating Autopolymerizing Acrylic Resin Provisional Restorations. QDT Yearbook 1989: 13:111-120.
Published Corporate Case Reports
- Mahn DH, Polack MA. Prima Implant System: Clinical Case Report, No. 5. Esthetic Replacement of Failing Teeth #8 and #9 Using Lifecore's PrimaConnex Implant System. Lifecore Biomedical, Inc. 2007
- Mahn DH, Aunon J. Prima Implant System: Clinical Case Report No. 7. Replacement of Congenitally Missing Lateral Incisors Using Lifecore's PrimaConnex Small Diameter Dental Implants. Lifecore Biomedical, Inc. 2007
- Mahn DH, Bell HC. Prima Implant System: Clinical Case Report No. 8. Replacement of a Mandibular First Molar Using a PrimaConnex Dental Implant. Lifecore Biomedical, Inc. 2007
Published Roundtable Discussion
Mahn DH, Leopardi A, Vakay R. What are the Keys to Managing Gingival Margins for Esthetic Implant Crowns? Compend Contin Educ Dent 2021:42(1);12-13.
Dental Video Featured on

Mahn, DH. The "Modified Tunnel" Technique and the Development of the Lateral Tunnel Approach. December 2014.